Councillor Vacancies
Have you considered joining the Parish Council?
Parish and town councils are at the heart of the communities they serve. Residents can see the difference that local councils can make in a very clear way.
Through an extensive range of powers local councils provide and maintain a variety of important and visible local services including: allotments, bus shelters, car parks, open spaces, transport schemes, safety and crime reduction, events, leisure and sports facilities, litter bins, public toilets, street cleaning, older persons and youth projects.
As the most local level of democracy for the communities they serve it is vital that local councils do all that they can to encourage contested elections. It should not need saying, but democratically elected and accountable political representation is not an optional extra for any level of government, it is essential.
If you are interested in becoming a councillor please contact the Clerk to the Council at garton.clerk@hotmail.co.uk for further details.